The Most Popular Actors And Actresses On Thai Update For The 3rd Week of June 2024

Here are the most popular actors and actresses on Thai Update for the 3rd week of 2024, based on the data we collected from June 17-23.

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1. Yoko Apasra

Yoko Apasra spent her fourth consecutive week at number #1 on our popular list, thanks to her outstanding performance in “Blank: The Series 2

2. Faye Peraya

Faye Peraya maintained her position at number #2 on the rankings for four consecutive weeks.

Her talent garnered admiration from both local and international fans, reaching 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

3. Bella Ranee

Bella Ranee made it to the top 3 this week as more and more Thai Update readers are interested in her latest news.

4. Mario Maurer and Pond Phuwin

The top actor Mario Maurer, who is showcasing his performance in “Kissed by The Rain”, made it to the list again at the top 4 alongside a lovely series couple Pond Phuwin.

5. Taew Natapohn and more

Taew Natapohn made her debut on the list after captivating audiences with her role in the latest drama “Kissed by The Rain”.

Still, Inn Sarin from the BL series “Wandee Goodday” stayed strong in the top 5 of the list.

A beautiful actress Mookda Narinrak from Thai Channel 7 also ranked #5 on the rankings.

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