Alek Teeradetch, Bua Nalinthip, Namtarn Pichukkana, and Kratingg Khunnarong cast in the new TV drama

According to Thai TV3, Alek Teeradetch, Bua Nalinthip, Kratingg Khunnarong, and Namtarn Pichukkana cast in the new TV drama.

SEE ALSO: Popular Thai actors and actresses who finally star alongside each other in the new TV drama

This upcoming TV drama titled “Kaen Ruk Salub Chata” and will be produced by a talented actress Aom Phiyada.

The source adds that it’s a fantasy, action, and romance TV drama. That’s the story of the leading actors who had switched bodies.

The cast of this new TV drama will have the costume fitting for their roles on July 09, 2020.

Photo: IG lekteeradetch, buanalinthip, p_namtarn, kratingg


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